
Bad News For the Rich

The Bible without doubt condemns the stingy. Those who look at the poor and say, "I’ve got my own needs." The one who refuses to give because they "just need a job." The one who looks at the poor in general and is disgusted with both their choice of lifestyle and the fact that they are receiving "so much" from others. In the same breath, the Bible condemns the rich. Those who live lifestyles filled with possessions. Those who are constantly concerned with increasing the already large wealth they have. Those who live lifestyles that are conspicuously higher than those around them. Why is this? Why should the Bible condemn the backbone of our society—frankly, the majority of our society? Because the Bible sees conspicuous wealth and excess of possessions to be a indication of rejection of the cries of the needy. Rather than helping those who are clearly in need, the wealthy spends on themselves. Even if they do nothing else wrong, the conspicuously rich are stingy. And this is a grave sin. It will condemn them to hell.

Proverbs 17:5-- The poor man pleads for mercy, but the rich answer harshly.
Proverbs 22:16-- Woe to those who oppress the poor, or who only gives to the wealthy-- they shall both end in poverty.
Proverbs 28:8-- The one who increases wealth by requiring interest on debts will have his wealth given to the one who is generous to the lowly.
Jeremiah 5:26-29
For wicked men are found among My people, They watch like fowlers lying in wait; They set a trap, They catch men. Like a cage full of birds, So their houses are full of deceit; Therefore they have become great and rich. They are fat, they are sleek, They also excel in deeds of wickedness; They do not plead the cause, The cause of the orphan, that they may prosper; And they do not defend the rights of the poor. Shall I not punish these people?' declares the LORD, 'On a nation such as this Shall I not avenge Myself?'
Habakkuk 2:6 Woe to him who increases what is not his and makes himself rich with loans.
Mark 10:17-27
As Jesus was going down the road, a man knelt before him and asked, "Good Teacher, what must I do to gain God's blessing for eternity?"
Jesus suspected him and said, "Why do you call me good? Only God is good. And you already know what you should do-- Don't murder, don't commit adultery, don't steal, don't lie in court, don't cheat others, respect your father and mother. Why come to me to ask the obvious?"
The man replied, "Teacher, I have already obeyed these commands for as long as I remember. Isn't there something more?"
Jesus then had compassion for him and said, "Just one thing-- you need to sell every one of your possessions, give the proceeds to the poor and then you will have security for eternity. Once you have done that, come and follow me."
The man saddened at that, and left unhappy, for he owned many possessions.
Jesus turned from him and looked at his disciples, saying, "It is very difficult for the wealthy to enter God's kingdom, because it is difficult to give up one’s possessions." The disciples were shocked at this, so Jesus repeated, "Children, it is difficult for anyone to enter into God's kingdom, but especially the rich. Frankly, it is easier to have an elephant leap through a straw than for a rich person to enter God's kingdom." The disciples responded, "Who will enter God's kingdom, then?" Jesus replied, "Frankly, it is impossible. But God is in the business of doing the impossible.
Good News for the Generous
Proverbs 22:9-- Blessed are the generous, for they give food to the lowly.
Proverbs 14:21-- The one who holds the needy in contempt is a sinner, but the one who offers fortune to the anawim will receive fortune from on High.
Proverbs 28:8—The generous to the poor will receive the wealth of the greedy.
Proverbs 28:27-- The one who gives to the poor will have everything they need, but the one who ignores the poor will drown in curses.
Proverbs 31:20-- The virtuous woman assists the anawim and greatly helps the needy.

Proverbs 14:31-- The oppressor of the lowly insults the Creator, but God is praised by him who has mercy on the needy.
Proverbs 21:13-- He who shuts his ear to the cry of the lowly will also cry out and not be heard.
Proverbs 22:16-- Woe to those who oppress the poor, or who only gives to the wealthy-- they shall both end in poverty.
Proverbs 22:22-23-- Do not take from the lowly due to their lowliness or use your power to crush the anawim; Yahweh himself will prosecute for them and take the life of those who oppose them.
Proverbs 28:3-- A poor man who oppresses the lowly is like a hurricane that destroys all food.
Proverbs 28:27-- The one who gives to the poor will have everything they need, but the one who ignores the poor will drown in curses.
Proverbs 29:7-- The righteous are concerned for justice for the poor; the wicked give this no regard.


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